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PostPosted: Sun 8. Feb 2015, 15:37 

Joined: Wed 3. Sep 2014, 09:31
Posts: 33
Initially, i started talking about it in the thread "starship corporation player credo" but as it went a little bit too long (and off topic) i decided to write a full thread for it.

this new thread would be divided in :

the scenario

the main technology

the spaceships (and other vehicle using spaceship technology)

infantry weaponry.

ETC. (would add more info if needed)

NB: i am still in the world building phase, so if you have some idea or question feel free to express them.

Last edited by Athenir on Sun 8. Feb 2015, 15:42, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Sun 8. Feb 2015, 15:39 

Joined: Wed 3. Sep 2014, 09:31
Posts: 33
The scenario would be divided on arc:

- arc 1: the dark side of our world: introduction of the main character and a small introduction of the enemy

- arc 2: the "special activity brigade" (SAB) : introduction of some secondary character (mainly american but some may be african), first real battle between armies equiped with conventional weapon and an army equiped with weapon and system that could have been mounted on a spaceship.

- arc 3: the beginning of the apocalypse: introduction to other secondary character(mostly european, russian and chineese), death of all people with leading standing, the global commerce go to a full halt and pillager are roaming the land nearly unopposed.

the main character try to understand the situation and help whoever is in need of a soldier, while moving (from europa) toward the USA (where he hope that he could meet some friends).

he would encounter some psychic soldier along the way. (in my story, everyone got some psychic power within himself, but those power could easily kill the owner if badly used, so the owner "survival instinct" shut those psychical power off until you got yourself strong enough to be able to use them without harm. such constraint make it already really hard to find people that have access to their psychical power but the psychical power also varies with the character experience so even if someone got access to his psychical power they would need to find out what kind of power they have before being able to simply detect that they have such kind of power and start training themselve in using it.)

- arc 4: the second civil war (it's not north vs south this time but east vs west)

arriving in the USA, the main character found a striking difference with the rest of the world. there is a little number of pillager like the european "noländer" and they are barely organised. the government wasnt fully destroyed and the military law is enforced. is the usa really good or is the us government working with the "noländer"? is a question the main character could ask himself, especially after defeating some pillagers with the small amount of mercenaries that follow him.

the us army could have been able to defeat them easily, why didnt they? the answer is that the government must be using the situation to create a politic of terror and pass some laws against the freedom of the citizen.

therefore the main character end up being one of the main leader in a war against a corrupted US government (infiltrated by some enemies of earth).

the two main battle would be:

- battle of new york : with the use of a shield/cloaking generator to reduce the visibility on the whole battlefield. they use the cloaking capacity of the device, it apply some energy in the area that shift light toward the infrared, making it rapidly invisible with human eyes. (without infrared sensor the view range would be ranging between 75 - 25 meter depending on how far you are from the generator.when using infrared googles you can extend that view range but you would still have limited perception of the surrounding. that generator would later be mounted on the spaceship "shadow", a kind of enhanced aircraft carrier.)

- the battle of the south-west (Los Angeles and San Francisco): also called the battle of the endless night, as the battle field would be englobed in a space-time bubble (normally used for hyperspace travel but could be tweaked as a defense system), for people outside the dome, the time run normally (and they experience only one night) but for people inside it, one second outside could last 10 to 20 second inside (so that night may last several days). as there is no sun to warm things up, the temperature would rapidly fall after a few days (eventhought it's still night) giving huge advantage to thermal imagery user. In this battle the war drones "dark angels" (used by the enemy) would go preying on any heat sources, starting a huge oneside massacre (as the drone are painted black and therefore hard to see but use thermal imagery)

a side battle, that is worth mentionning is the grand canyon air battle (or battle at "Black hole" headquarter.) black Hole is an elite army working with the government and at that time the last army capable of winning the civil war for the government. it's headquarter is also an industrial complex, where they were building their last weapon (a kind of wunderwaffe) a armored airship that would be used as mobile command center, anti-air platform and bombardment platform. that airship is named "air forteress" like the project that allow it to be (because it got attacked before even recieving his proper name), it's considered as the first spaceship prototype.

that battle is worth mentionning because it would be a battle between propeler planes and early fighter jet (taken from the Seatle flight museum), the aegis (a plane equiped with the cloaking device that was used at NY but this time they manage to make it only jamm targetting system), some transport planes (to carry the infantry that shall attack the base) against a few modern fighter jet and the "air forteress" (they were unaware of it's presence; they knew that black hole got some way to turn the tide of the war because they intercepted a russian message talking about it with code name but didnt knew exactly what it is nor how effective it could be. in that battle it would appear that the russian were ready to take the airship for many days but, as the engine take time to start, they simply couldn't escape with it as the american would have all the time they need to stop them so they leaked information about the base so they can steal the airship during the battle betwen the two american side.)

finally we are now on the part with some data that could of some use for the game, the decks of the "air forteress":

Level 2 : landing deck (for VTOL and some STOL only), missile launcher (for rear protection), upward sensors
Level 1: long range artillery : 3 rail-gun for kinetic damage (30° upward angle) and 4 laser for thermal damage( 45° or 60° upward angle), some of the living quarters, front and rear thruster.
Level 0 : « lifter section » + close range AA system (135° coverage) mounted around the lifter (4 around each lifter: 2 on the upper part and 2 on the lower part).
Level 0 “ spinal section” : (from front to rear) Missile launcher, “air” CIC ,front ammo storage,fuel tanks, fusion reactor,fuel tanks,”ground”CIC, rear ammo storage,engine and booster.

Level -1: long range artillery on each (similar to level 1), some of the living quarters, front and rear thruster
Level -2: bombardment artillery (capable of high altitude bombing) and downward sensors.

NB in the end, both side ended the war after defeating the one that tried to conquer the united state.

arc 5: two conflict at once.

even if the war ended without the defeat of one side, tension and hate was still brewing so both armie tried to find ways to avoid unnecessary tensions (the best way found was to point the attention outside the border.

as there has been no news about south america since the apocalypse, the "black hole" army pointed it attention to the south.

the main character and the soldier that are loyal to him pointed their attention toward russia as they have friend in that direction but also because the "air forteress" has been stolen by the russian.

while "black hole" end up in a long diplomatic war with the south, the main character would have to face the "western russia" 's army during the battle of the "ice bridge" (using cooling system to keep the behring pass frozen, the russian manage to allow a big army to cross it and invade Alaska, like the persian lining up their boats to build a pontoon bridge and cross the Dardanelles more efficiently.)

the "ice bridge" battle lead to the unclosure of the "leviathans" (three massive submarines with unique capabilities, each having spaceship-like hull and equipment but still inability to go to space. they dont have lifters so they can't go out of the water but they are air- and water-tight (they can be considered as the second generation of "space ship prototype", as it gives good experience in piloting spaceship.)

the leviathan: (whale, galleon and ballista)

- "whale" : landing submarine with a large "tardis-like" cargobay at his front. it got caterpillar to help him get on or out of the beach easily. (he use sound modulation to disguise his engine sound as the sound of a whale. the captain of this ship, whoever he may be, is refered with the code name Jonas.)

- "Galleon" : this submarine is equiped with a great set of lateral missile launcher. it's main armament is the "dart" (defensive array rocket-torpedoes), small rocket like torpedoes that have average penetration, short range but high maneuvrability and an engine that can be used in air or under-water giving it the capacity to be used against ship, submarine and planes. (and later on low altitude spaceship).

- "Ballista" : this submarine is an aircraft carrier. it use the "archimedes forces" to catapult it's plane out of the water. the plane themselves use small "warp 1" engine. (warp 1 engine, or first generation warp, is an extraterestrial engine that compress spacetime in front of the ship, channel it through the engine and then let it expand to it's original size. it look like a jet engine that require energy in stead of kerozen. however, the vehicle using it need to be moving to allow that engine to function so they need an auxiliary engine or a starting boost but that engine could work under-water, in air and even in space. it can go at high speed but could never go beyond light speed.)

NB: warp 2 engine, or second generation warp engine, use the same method of the warp 1 (compress spacetime ahead and expand it behind the ship) but manage to reduce the restrictions. they manage to avoid the need of chanelling the compressed space time through the engine, therefore they can compress more space time for a given instant (as they would only pass the compression by and not have it go through you) and therefore that allow them to go even faster (beyond light speed). however the collateral damages are huge so they couple it with a hyper drive (that make the ship jump in a close-by dimension, close enough to be similar to our's allowing the ship to know where he is in common space and come back to common space in safe zone, but that dimension is more chaotic than common space making the collateral damage less important as there is no living form there. the dimension used is commonly called "hyperspace" )

later on during the battle with the western russian the main character would go to japan where he would meet the "fenrir" (a robotic tank with the shape of a wolf. it's terribly underused by the japanese as most of the systems are locked, hidden or displayed in a language nobody manage to decypher or translate yet. however they are lucky enought, the basics systems are operational and some of the core systems are locked but set on automatic)

NB: some more arc would come up later on but that's how it begin.

PostPosted: Sun 8. Feb 2015, 15:42 

Joined: Wed 3. Sep 2014, 09:31
Posts: 33
the main technology

propulsion technology

- warp 1 engine (or first generation warp):

An extraterestrial engine that compress spacetime in front of the ship, channel it through the engine and then let it expand to it's original size. it look like a jet engine that require energy in stead of kerozen. however, the vehicle using it need to be moving to allow that engine to function so they need an auxiliary engine or a starting boost but that engine could work under-water, in air and even in space. it can go at high speed but could never go beyond light speed.

- warp 2 engine (or second generation warp engine)

It use the same method of the warp 1 (compress spacetime ahead and expand it behind the ship) but manage to reduce the restrictions. they manage to avoid the need of chanelling the compressed space time through the engine, therefore they can compress more space time for a given instant (as they would only pass the compression by and not have it go through the engine) and therefore that allow them to go even faster (beyond light speed). however the collateral damages are so important (it crush every matter in front of the ship) that it's always coupled with a hyper drive.

- hyperspace drive:

the hyper space drive use space time alteration technologies to create a "space-time bubble" around the ship and shift that "space-time bubble" in a close-by (more chaotic) dimension called the "hyperspace". (as the hyperspace is hostile to any kind of lifeform any damage done there are ethically irrelevant. as prove, a ship cant survive long in hyperspace if it lose it's "space-time bubble" and generally shift out of hyperspace ASAP when such a thing is about to happen. )

the distance (and speed) a ship can travel through the hyperspace depend of the capacity of the drive at countering the chaotic energy turmoil of the hyperspace. there exist 2 devices used to dictate specials rules within the hyperspace: the "hyperspace jumpgate" (create a flow in the hyperspace, allowing ships to "surf on the wave" and travel faster with little toll on their drive) and the "hyperspace interdictor" (make the hyperspace even more chaotic, denying hyperspace travel in a given area unless you have a really good hyperspace drive.)

NB: it is possible to turn a "hyperspace gate" into a weapon against a fleet arriving in hyperspace by making them face a reverse current that would exhaust their drive really fast and expose their ships to the chaotic energy of the hyperspace.)

- ion propulsion :

by sending a stream of ion toward the rear of the ship, the ship is able to advance. however the acceleration is not impressive so it is best used with a warp 1 or warp 2 engine that could use such a small acceleration as a basis to reach an even higher speed.

Last edited by Athenir on Sun 8. Feb 2015, 16:35, edited 2 times in total.

PostPosted: Sun 8. Feb 2015, 15:43 

Joined: Wed 3. Sep 2014, 09:31
Posts: 33
the spaceships (and other vehicle using spaceship technology)

the spaceship prototypes:

- the armored airship "Air Fortress".

built to be the pinacle of a chain of commandment, that airship mission was to oversee a whole battlefield (like if it was using some spy satelite, but instead it would use it's own optics) and issue command to troops on the ground. due to it's high point of view and mobility, he would be able to follow the army he is linked with and react directly on situation at hand. (it's the basis of a cruiser type (ground strike) spaceship.)

it is also highly capable of dealing with enemy fighters and could, if situation demands it, lay an artilery barrage on a position to help some ground troops.

constitution of the ship decks:

Level 2 : landing deck (for VTOL and some STOL only), missile launcher (for rear protection), upward sensors
Level 1: long range artillery : 3 rail-gun for kinetic damage (30° upward angle) and 4 laser for thermal damage( 45° or 60° upward angle), some of the living quarters, front and rear thruster.
Level 0 : « lifter section » (on left and right part of the "spinal section" + close range AA system (135° coverage) mounted around the lifter (4 around each lifter: 2 on the upper part and 2 on the lower part).
Level 0 “ spinal section” : (from front to rear) Missile launcher, “air” CIC ,front ammo storage,fuel tanks, large fusion reactor,fuel tanks,”ground”CIC, rear ammo storage,engine and booster.

Level -1: long range artillery on each (similar to level 1), some of the living quarters, front and rear thruster
Level -2: bombardment artillery (capable of high altitude bombing) and downward sensors.

- "whale" : landing submarine with a large "tardis-like" cargobay at his front. it got caterpillar to help him get on or out of the beach easily. (he use sound modulation to disguise his engine sound as the sound of a whale. the captain of this ship, whoever he may be, is refered with the code name Jonas.) (got many similarities with cargo spaceships and landing spaceships.)

- "Galleon" : this submarine is equiped with a great set of lateral missile launcher. it's main armament is the "dart" (defensive array rocket-torpedoes), small rocket like torpedoes that have average penetration, short range but high maneuvrability and an engine that can be used in air or under-water giving it the capacity to be used against ship, submarine and planes. (and later on low altitude spaceship). (is nearly a destroyer-class spaceship)

- "Ballista" : this submarine is an aircraft carrier. it use the "archimedes forces" to catapult it's plane out of the water. the plane themselves use small "warp 1" engine and can land on water (so the submarine can get them back in it's hangars when he is surfacing after the battle.)

- "storm crosser" : captured by the main character after some incident in the aleoutian isles, it is first thought to be some kind of russian experimental plane but later on it would be shown that it's a cargo spaceship (that use its ressemblance with a transport plane as camouflage. in it's log it is recorded that it flew regularily around the globe before the apocalypse and helped it being possible.)

the plane/spaceship got 6 "warp 1" engine (2 line of 3 engine , to increase the maximum speed, approching "light speed" out of the atmosphere, but it got little steering capacities at high speed) and a few "ion engine" as auxiliary propulsion.

it's also equiped with a forcefield shield generator and a medium fusion reactor.

- the "assassin corvet" : flag ship of the alderan Erithrin Zdiev aka "major Foster",one of the more persistent enemy of the main character (half of the story that happend before the alien invasion is a long struggle against him). it's a corvet spaceship so basicaly (on alderan standard) it's an "anti-fighter" spaceship, but thanks to non-alderan technologies his owner gathered he was able to turn it into a spaceship that could engage and survive a battle against a space battleship.

that space ship is equiped with 8 "warp 1" engine (to allow him better maniability while at high speed), one small "warp2" engine (and it's hyperspace drive), a medium fusion reactor, 4 missile launchers (30 darts capacities each), one computer core (to help with the targetting, as it can launch 120 missile at once and therefore need the computer capacities to follow 120 targets and calculate each missile trajectory so not a single one miss it's target. most of the time, the missile swap targets if they can hit another target than the one they were following. )

Last edited by Athenir on Sun 8. Feb 2015, 17:20, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Sun 8. Feb 2015, 15:43 

Joined: Wed 3. Sep 2014, 09:31
Posts: 33
infantry weaponry.

alderan weaponry

- the "officer handgun" :

it's not really a weapon as it got more "civil" use that it got "military" use.

it can shoot a strong laser beam (but it deplete the battery quite fast), however it got subsystem that are more useful than a laser handgun.

among the sub system there is:

molecular analysis (also called the all-round scanner): can detect the molecular composition of things that are within 20 meter in the direction the gun is pointed. ( depending on the data chip, can detect known poison in the food or drink, can diagnosis some kind of illness, can analyse air composition behind a door (useful when the ship hull as been breached in some section, so that you dont open door leading to vacuumed area), etc)

light source: create a beam of light (using the laser system but with some lower energy output); it's double edge as you cant shoot laser while you light it up with your gun.

fire source: create some microwave pulses that could set ablaze anything that could burn (if it's given enoughtime and energy)

stun gun : using the "fire source" system, could send strong magnetic waves (short burst but long loading) that would disturb brain wave and give some kind of vertigo effect for a few second. however, if the target got a metalic helmet it wont work, but metallic helmet are specific of earth so most "officer" that would arrive with the "alderan invasion fleet" would not know about that particularity.

- the "boarding handgun":

it's a needle shooting handgun. (around the size of a taser)

there is 3 type of munition for this:

neurotoxine filled needle : cause partial or full paralysis (by blocking signals moving through the neural system) around the point of impact.

neuroexciting filled needle : cause pain and create erratic moves (by sending false signals through the neural system) around the point of impact.

poison filled needle : as the name said, it's filled with poison and, without being already immune to the poison used, can kill in a few instant.

the first two munitions are used in an attempt to disable the crew of a ship without hurting them, while the third one is use deliberately to kill.

nb: by using needles (instead of bullet, plasma or ion ) there is also an attempt to keep the ship intact. (bullet, plasma and ion have great tendencies to cause unnecessary damage.)

- the "plasma" long gun. (initially i wanted to called it the "plasma rifle" but as the ammo are not rifling in the gun, i could'nt. but technically it is around the same size of a WW2 bolt-action rifle. with particularities that the "magasine" is in the stock and the gun got a lever system to reload after each shot as the recoil cannot be used for that.)

shooting a stream of highly ionized liquid at highspeed, that weapon generate two type of damage.

the first damage source (that is the most effective on short range) is the liquid charge. at the impact, the liquid would transform it's speed into heat, evaporate to become highly ionized gases (aka plasma) if it got enough charge. that kind of damage is best as anti-personnel when shooting short stream but could be used as anti-materiel (or even anti-armor) with a prolonged stream.

the second damage source (that is most effective on the long range) is the speed of the liquid and it's impact on the target (kinetic damage). it only happened when the charge are dissipated, it can wound people (and infect the wound as bonus) but can hardly kill anyone (unless you can hit the head).

NB: the alderan army got a notice about the use of weapon that ask them to restrain themselves from using high damage weapon inside spaceship as it could damage important equipment. so use of weapon like the "plasma" long gun are forbidden inside spaceship with the only exception of the big ships that have large areas, like corridors or cargo bay, where some soldiers could make a stand using their finest weaponry without the risk of damaging "important equipment". it is common in the alderan army that ship security personnel are equiped with needle gun with some blades as secondary weapon. (if both weapons arent enough to fight off the intruder then they would go to the armoury to get better weapon as at that moment, they risk to lose control of the ship and it's preferable to keep control of a damaged ship than lose control of an intact ship.)

Senele weaponry

- the shield/ cloaking generator:

that forcefield shield generator could also emit strong "light altering" field making object within the field disappear for people that are outside the field.

the "light altering" (or cloaking) system apply some kind of energy wave within the field to shift light toward the infrared making it go beyond the visible light limit. (unless you have googles capable of seeing infrared (or are tuned into countering the cloaking system) you cant see object that are in such filed, nor can you , from within the field, see anything.

some of the elite policemen of the senele republic are equiped with such a shield/cloaking system. and there is also in the story a senele hero that manage to kill 5 enemy soldier using only sound to locate them after his googles got wrecked while he was using his cloaking system. (his words were that if he simply shut off his cloaking system the moment his headgear got wrecked he would have been dead.)

NB: there is no "military" in the senele republic, but there is a wide panel of "policemen" and during war it's generally the more talented "policemen" that are sent to the front. Senele republic is kinda communist, everybody need to work for the "society" and those that dont find jobs (as apprentice) rapidly after graduating are sent to the police department. police teach them discipline, weapon handlings, driving skill, ... everything that would be needed in the society in case of a crisis and procure them jobs within the police. (and it's mainly why there is more than enough policemen within the senele republic that they can send some to colonise new planets or securise holdings in other nations like earth where the senele republic got a small city not far from Los Angeles.)

however, for contributing to the society they got most common things (food, transport,...) for free.

- "tracker's car"

Senele republic is a communistic nation, most things (including cars and houses) belong to the society and there are little exceptions where one thing belong to a single person.

the tracker' branch is one of the few branch of the "police" that have it's own equipment. each tracker is given his car and is asked to keep it ready for action at anytime.

a tracker's car is similar to our car by look, with the exception of the thicker roof, but in fact hold more similarities with a tank when it come to it's capabilities.

it's equipment are:

a strong forcefield shield

an AI (capable of auto-pilot. it can read sign and follow the speed limitation on unknown roads, assuming the sign have been registered in the databank of the car. however, it cant do things he isnt ordered to or is not programmed to do, like deploying the turret.)

6 sensor (capable of mapping the area in a radius of 500 meter in 3D. detecting every great object in the area with possibility to follow a specific one.)

a 3D holomap display ( to follow a specific object without leaving the car.)

a plasma canon ( it's turret is hidden in the thick roof and could, when deployed, do a full 360 turn.

a hover system (allowing it to slow it's fall but unable to lift the car higher than 50 centimeter from the ground.)

a small fusion reactor. (because all this require a good amount of energy and because it have an electric engine.)

the trackers are similar to earth "police patrol" but they some time work as taxi as well. (the senele cities having little amount of car, giving more priority to mass transport system like train and metro, when there are some problem with those system all drivers (including the trackers) are asked to contribute in the wel being of the society.

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