Starship Corporation

Upgrades / Emergency repairs (GP)
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Author:  Widd3r [ Wed 8. Aug 2012, 15:06 ]
Post subject:  Upgrades / Emergency repairs (GP)

I would like to have some king of upgrade system in the game, by that I don't mean a better version of a specific room but a way to improve my already existing ships
by adding small parts.

So imagine you have a standard engine which by itself isn't very fast, but during an ongoing mission the ships engineering crew can add things like a booster module
which makes the engine faster. Of course upgrades should either be limited (say one or two per room) or should have some kind of disadvantage (like a booster module makes
it so that the engines need maintenance more often or they will stop working)

By Emergency repairs I mean when your ships engines gets damaged during a fight and all spare parts have already been used you can dismantle less important machinery for
parts so you can at least make it to the next space port or something along these lines.

I think this could really improve the missions or could be used to make singleplayer more interesting (you could make a part during the main story where you only have one ship left and
have no choice but to do a few jobs with it to get back on your feet)

Author:  Zargul [ Wed 8. Aug 2012, 15:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Upgrades / Emergency repairs

I like the idea of overclocking systems. This would give you some advantages in a problematic situation but will also damage the system a bit.

Emergency repairs are a bit complicated. You can't easily repair an engine if it's damaged and running. (except you want to get toasted)
But the main thought is good: Let's dismantle hullparts to repair those critical damaged systems until they run at 20% performance.

Author:  Ratakari [ Wed 8. Aug 2012, 16:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Upgrades / Emergency repairs

It seems you like complex games, too ;)
I am not sure, if splitting up rooms into components is a good idea the moment - however interesting. I will think about this later, when the game gets too easy...

hmm, overclocking could lead to overheating, and heat could cause damage - intriguing! You could "overclock" people, too - by feeding them psychotropic drugs! (like in starcraft)

Author:  Jan_Ka [ Wed 8. Aug 2012, 16:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Upgrades / Emergency repairs

Ratakari wrote:
It seems you like complex games, too ;)
[...] You could "overclock" people, too - by feeding them psychotropic drugs! (like in starcraft)

Of Course we do - there are plenty of easy space games out there readily available :) we want something new! Something challenging!
I see myself building a crack labratory floating in space with every crewmember stoned as hell just to get some extra juice into my weapon systems :)

Zargul wrote:
Emergency repairs are a bit complicated. You can't easily repair an engine if it's damaged and running. (except you want to get toasted)
But the main thought is good: Let's dismantle hullparts to repair those critical damaged systems until they run at 20% performance.

Well, just because we currently can't repair a severe damaged - let's say a rocket engine - while it is running, that doesn't mean we aren't able in future :)
Anyhow - i don't think you need that much of realism in the game. The crew is like scotty and can repair running engines even while running.
Also - maybe the Cyborgs can? This seems like a perfect situation to use them!

On the other hand. An Emergency Repair could mean that you can halt the operation of an room just enough to gain enough stability to flee or fight back.
I think of situations where my engine gets sever damaged because of an lucky shot from the enemies. I decide to not fight back or try to escape with a malfunctioning engine but order all my (fully drugged) repairman to the engine - get them online just enough to escape to a save place and then kill all the intruders which will be then easy because they have no supplies or retreat.

Think of that! How awesome would that be? You could dynamically mix a defensive and aggressive strategy!

Author:  Zargul [ Wed 8. Aug 2012, 16:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Upgrades / Emergency repairs

Jan_Ka wrote:
An Emergency Repair could mean that you can halt the operation of an room just enough to gain enough stability to flee or fight back.

Or better: Emergency Equipment which is attached to the running engine which stabilize it!
This would be also an Idea to gain some performance back to escape any enemies.

Ratakari wrote:
You could "overclock" people, too - by feeding them psychotropic drugs!

I thought more about Officers which drill and command the Crew.
Having a command structure on the ship would be awesome:

If an officer get critically wounded or dies the morale of the department crashes.

Author:  Han.Rastax [ Wed 8. Aug 2012, 17:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Upgrades / Emergency repairs

Zargul wrote:
I thought more about Officers which drill and command the Crew.
Having a command structure on the ship would be awesome:

If an officer get critically wounded or dies the morale of the department crashes.

I think this is important morale of crew too, if you drill your officers too much they can rebellion, desert or fail his work at critical situation. With this, i have one another idea about, how is setup as captain and his officers can you increase efficiency for specific situations but decrease for some another else. For example, if set your captain and his officers military persons you increased efficiency in combat situation, but efficiency of civilian task will be lower and morale of civilian people go down.

Author:  Widd3r [ Thu 9. Aug 2012, 09:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Upgrades / Emergency repairs

While I like the idea of giving drugs to my crew ^^ to make them work more efficient
I think this should be limited to emergency situations (or some sort of necessary battle tactic, so that in any battle situation the crew would be given drugs so they don't need to sleep or something similar, but with
some sort of disadvantage like decreased health or drug addiction after taking the drug for a few times)

Adding a command structure to your ship would be awesome and it would add another layer of strategy to battles. So you would have to set up a chain of command on board of ships (or have one generated automatically through the individual rank of crew members) so that if the captain was killed (for example through one of those TNT filled star trek consoles) the next officer in line would stand up and fulfill his duty.

Author:  Jacrench [ Fri 10. Aug 2012, 04:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Upgrades / Emergency repairs

Widd3r wrote:
Adding a command structure to your ship would be awesome and it would add another layer of strategy to battles. So you would have to set up a chain of command on board of ships (or have one generated automatically through the individual rank of crew members) so that if the captain was killed (for example through one of those TNT filled star trek consoles) the next officer in line would stand up and fulfill his duty.

This I like. However, crew should run at lower efficiency the lower the highest ranking officer is.

Not a fan of the drugs idea though, mostly because it defeats the point of having Cyo units, who are supposed to be that better unit that doesn't hesitate.

Author:  Widd3r [ Fri 10. Aug 2012, 06:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Upgrades / Emergency repairs

Jacrench wrote:
This I like. However, crew should run at lower efficiency the lower the highest ranking officer is.

Not a fan of the drugs idea though, mostly because it defeats the point of having Cyo units, who are supposed to be that better unit that doesn't hesitate.

Hm the crews efficiency could be linked to a command stat so that even if the commanding officer is of a rather low rank they could work more efficiently than with a high ranking officer with little actual abbility (i think this would make it seem more realistic).

I must disagree with you on the drug part, Cyo Units would be consistently better than a normal crew member (and more expensive I imagine) and with no drawbacks while drugging your crew would lead only to a short burst in abbility in every human member.

Author:  Jan_Ka [ Fri 10. Aug 2012, 10:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Upgrades / Emergency repairs

Jacrench wrote:
Not a fan of the drugs idea though, mostly because it defeats the point of having Cyo units, who are supposed to be that better unit that doesn't hesitate.

Widd3r wrote:

I must disagree with you on the drug part, Cyo Units would be consistently better than a normal crew member (and more expensive I imagine) and with no drawbacks while drugging your crew would lead only to a short burst in abbility in every human member.

Well, Cyborg Units - as Widd3r said - are - under normal circumstances - better than every human or alien being. But they are Machines for the most part.
A normal Men can lift weights just as long as the muscle pain allows them to, but if you pump them with natural drugs like our adrenalin then most people can move much greater masses than they thought ever to be able to.

In this Case a Marine could do things that even a CYO could not dream of but as soon as the drug wears off they are - well, f*cked :)
A CYO does not have/need Adrenaline - they always are able to facilitate 100% of their strength but that also means that they can not trick their bodies to do more.

A good Analogy: A CYO is like a big Diesel Engine - constantly working with high power and low consumption, a Human is like a gas engine - if you feed it kerosene it will go super fast but not for long and under normal circumstances also the consumption is higher

Widd3r wrote:
Hm the crews efficiency could be linked to a command stat so that even if the commanding officer is of a rather low rank they could work more efficiently than with a high ranking officer with little actual abbility (i think this would make it seem more realistic).

Well, look at Real Life and you have the Answer.

A Officer with a good empathy and great experience in giving Orders can manage troops even if he does not know exactly what they need to do. Hos subordinates are only limited by their own knowledge.

A Officer with bad empathy and or an lack of experience in giving Orders but with great knowledge about a specific topic can manage troops that are specifically trained in this topic. They will work better because their chef knows how to command them.

So - the conclusion is:
Great "generic" commanding skill: All Troops work faster / longer but not better
Great "specific" knowledge: All Troops with skills in the "specific" topic will work faster, harder and better but all other subordinates will just work as if there was no officer

I would also like if there was a switch where I can choose how the officer treats his subordinates. A Officer that behaves like you are in a giant floating space bootcamp might boost Military skills but a "Great Father" Officer might work better in Technic and Medical related Skills.

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